April 22: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Debra Robbins and Cantor Leslie Niren | This service will include the b'nai mitzvah of Matthew and Jonathan Yurich Supplemental materials for Shabbat morning

Event Series Grief Support

Grief Support

Temple Emanu-El Zilbermann Chapel

Temple is re-instituting an in-person support group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Meredith Pryzant, MSW, Temple’s Director of Member Support will facilitate the group...

Yom HaAtzmaut Cantor in the Kitch

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Join Temple's Women of Reform Judaism and celebrate Israel's 75th birthday with Cantor in the Kitch with Cantor Leslie Niren! This event will feature Israeli music, creative dishes and a...

Event Series B’yachad Night Out

B’yachad Night Out

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Temple is pleased to begin offering a parents’ night out once a month for families who have children with special needs. The program is designed for children aged 5–18 with...

Goin’ to the Chuppah Spring 2023

All classes are from 7:30-8:45pm and locations for specific dates will be confirmed at a later date (in-person at Temple/Zoom/congregant home). Goin’ to the Chuppah is open to any couple who plans...