Bending Toward Justice

Jan 16, 2025 / 16 Tevet, 5785

Opportunities to get involved in social justice and advocacy at Temple

Opt-In Network
Sign up here to stay up to date on key issues in the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress.

January 30 | 7 p.m. | Dallas Area Interfaith
Join Rabbis David Stern and Kimberly Herzog Cohen in a special meeting of Dallas Area Interfaith, where faith leaders and congregants from many religious organizations will come together in solidarity around solving pressing issues. At Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church, 1101 Reverend CBT Smith St. Register here to attend.

February 14 | 6:15 p.m. | Refugee Shabbat in Partnership with HIAS
Please share your photos with us of yourselves or loved ones who have immigrated to the United States, as well as photos of yourselves or groups helping organize service projects and advocacy around immigration. We will be sharing photos throughout the service. Send to and include the names of people in the photograph and the date.

February 22 | 10:30 a.m. | Repro Shabbat
Temple will participate in Repro Shabbat, an effort by the National Council of Jewish Women to advocate for reproductive rights. Stay after the service for Shabbat Nosh, where you’ll be able to write postcards and engage in table conversations. Register for Shabbat Nosh here.