2022/5783 High Holy Days
Online registration for the 2022/5783 High Holy Days is open! We look forward to seeing you at this special time of year.
This year, we are introducing a new, easy-to-use system to register yourself and any other members of your household for in-person and online services and other holiday experiences. All you need is your email address—no password required.
Upon completion of registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing a QR code to be presented upon arrival for services. (A follow up reminder email will be sent a week prior to the services you have registered for.) You may access your registration information if you’d like to amend your registration at a later date.
Find important details and links below. If you need assistance with registration or have questions regarding the process, please contact us at 214.706.0000 or hhd@tedallas.org and we will be happy to help.
Registration Website can be found here.
Times and Locations: Find a schedule here of this year’s services. Please note that this year, there is only one service at Erev Rosh Hashanah, at 6 p.m.
Online Registration Access: The email address at which you will receive your invitation is the only email address that will work for registration. There is no password required.
Online Services: All of our services are available for both in-person and online participation. Please register for either or a combination of both. More information on how to access the services online will be shared in future Temple communications.
Guests: As always, we are happy to welcome guests and visitors to attend our High Holy Days services. At this time, we are only taking registration for Temple members. Watch future Temple communications for more information on registering for guest admissions.
High Holy Days Help and Preparation Days: Temple Emanu-El staff will be available to help all members with registration and technical support, Tashlich kit pickup and prayer books for borrowing on the following dates and times in Tycher Gathering Space.
• August 16, 18, 23, 25 and 30 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
• August 28 from 9-11 a.m. (during YL+E Opening Day)
• September 1, 20 and 22 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Book of Remembrance: One of the many ways to honor our loved ones who have died occurs on Yom Kippur at Yizkor, the service of memory. It is customary to include the names of loved ones in a special Book of Remembrance. Please complete this form by August 15 to include the names you’d like to remember. It is also a practice to include a nedavah, a gift of financial support to Temple. If you choose, please consider a suggested donation of $36 (no minimum is required). If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Butler at mbutler@tedallas.org.