August 17: Shabbat Morning Service
Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapelwith Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren Supplemental materials found here.
with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren Supplemental materials found here.
One of three welcome Shabbat celebrations to get to know our new Temple Members! Enjoy an all-ages friendly service with a relaxed vibe followed by a picnic-style pizza dinner. With Rabbi David Stern, Cantor Leslie Niren and Rabbi Michael Lewis
with Rabbi David Stern and Cantor Hallie Weiner
with Rabbi Debra Robbins and Cantor Hallie Weiner | Sermon by Rabbi Michael Lewis
with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Randy Pearlman, Cantorial Soloist
Psalm 27, with its 14 verses and myriad emotions, invites us to consider our place in God’s creation and how we, like our Creator, can engage in acts of transformation and repair. This Elul marks the sixth season of “Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27” and we return to these words for inspiration, courage and...