LGBTQ+ S’mores and Schmooze

Temple Emanu-El Hersh Family Courtyard

LGBTQ+ singles, couples and families of all ages are invited to celebrate Havdallah, enjoy dinner and a chance to meet new people and end the evening making s'mores!

Concert with Galeet Dardashti and Divahn

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Join Galeet Dardashti and her all-female powerhouse ensemble, Divahn, for an energetic concert that invites you into the beautiful shared heritage of the Middle East.

March 8: 50+ Shabbat

Temple Emanu-El Olan Sancutary

The entire Temple community is invited enjoy a special Shabbat service honoring all who are or would have been married for 50+ years as well as those who have been adult members for 50+ years. This service includes use of the Union Prayer Book, a modern edition which honors the Classical Reform tradition, and features...

Special Off-Season Cinema Emanu-El Screening: “Call Me Dancer”

Temple Emanu-El Tobian Auditorium

In addition to our summer Cinema Emanu-El four-part movie series, enjoy a special off-season screening of "Call Me Dancer" in honor of Richard Marcus and Nancy Lubar. The film maker, Leslie Shampaine is Richard’s niece and will be present for the Talk Back.

Cantor in the Kitch: Purim Version

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Cantor in the Kitch is back with hamantaschen and other delectable Purim-inspired treats. Cantor Leslie Niren welcomes Aya Margalit, Temple’s shlicha, who will share a recipe and a heartwarming story about a special flower festival that takes place near her house in southern Israel. Meaders Ozarow, Empire Bakery owner and Temple member, will dish out...

Esther’s Story (Taylor’s Version) Purim Spiel and Carnival

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Families with children of all ages are invited to celebrate with costumes, spiel and carnival fun. Begin with Esther's Story (Taylor's Version) at 10 a.m. followed by carnival games, bounce houses, a climbing wall and more. Food will be available for purchase from local food trucks. New this year, a special tot carnival only for...